Changing the lives and communities through partnership

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The Official Opening of the Lozenge.

The ‘Lozenge’ a new Nature Area in Brightlingsea was opened on Monday 5th May at 1pm by the television presenter Roger Tabor.

The site located in Lower Park Road is owned by Brightlingsea Town Council and has been transformed from a once neglected and overgrown piece of land into an area to be used and enjoyed by all sections of the community as well as visitors to the town.

Part of the project is to encourage schools and other youth groups participation with educational field trips to encourage children to discover, enjoy and respect nature which will hopefully provide them with an interest for life.

To help introduce this scheme a wild flower planting day was held on Saturday 26th April, when local young people from , Rainbows, Brownies, Beavers, Cubs, Scouts, Woocraft Folk and their families had an enjoyable time planting a wide variety of wild flowers.

Future management of the area will be carried out by the Town Council and it is hoped this will encourage further species to inhabit the area and provide an ever changing place to visit and enjoy.

Funding for the project was obtained by The Community Reach Partnership from the East of England Development Agency, Quality of Place Fund and Brightlingsea Town Council.

The Project is essentially an environmental and educational one that also supports the practical needs of older people living around the area. The project turns a 5 acre site, known as “The Lozenge”, which is currently
inaccessible and transforms it into an area that can be enjoyed by young and old alike whilst at the same time helping to safeguard it from potential backland development. It will become a green oasis and will be designed to allow wildlife to thrive and be enjoyed by the community. The area is very close to both Brightlingsea Infants and Junior School and governors at both schools have already expressed excitement at the possibility of such a unique facility for field trips so close to their schools. The land is owned by Brightlingsea Town Council which has offered its support and will maintain the land once “The Lozenge” is brought fully to life.

The project is well under way and requires landscaping of the area, the provision of seating and litter bins, the creation of new paths made from sustainable materials, extensive planting of hedging and semi mature trees and the provision of interpretive boards and promotional material. It fits closely with the Partnership’s action plan which includes the support of services and facilities for older people; since it is very near a sheltered housing development. It also aligns with findings found within the Community Health check in respect of the community’s attitude to their environment;
The town takes great pride in their environment and there is little signs of litter, debris or graffiti to be seen. The Town has won many awards in Anglia and Britain in Bloom and is supported by the Town Council, Schools, businesses and volunteers. Brightlingsea Marsh and Saltings are sites with the classification of ‘Site of Special Scientific Interest’ (SSSI) and most of the coastline between Alresford Creek and Colne Point, including Flag Creek are also conservation areas.” Being adjacent to the SSSI this site would allow for an educational as well as a recreational bridge for those volunteers interested in enhancing the town’s floral displays and town centre appearance.